Friday, October 5, 2012

Berry Delicious Oatmeal

Breakfast for dinner. That's how it went down in our house tonight; Eric made himself some eggs and I had a post-run-carb-craving and decided to make some oatmeal. I took the rolled oats staring at me from the cabinet as a challenge, and pushed the pre-packaged maple and brown sugar packet aside.

What the hell could I add to rolled oats to make it taste decent without tons of maple syrup, honey, or sugar? I experimented with oatmeal, pumpkin, and cinnamon the other day and it may have been the worst thing I've ever eaten.

I opened the freezer and saw my ridiculous collection of frozen fruit I've stocked up on for smoothies, and figured I'd start there. Here's what I came up with, and it was damn good, if I don't say so myself.

1/2 cup old fashioned rolled oats
handful of frozen blueberries
handful of frozen raspberries
tablespoon of coconut oil

I added the berries to the oats, added water so everything was just covered, and microwaved for 2 minutes. Once the water was absorbed I gave it a good stir (the whole meal turned purple - bonus) and added in the coconut oil. Between the berries and oil, it was the perfect amount of sweetness and made for a delicious, dinner.

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